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How the Directory Structure Has Changed in Laravel 5
Apr 16, 2015 @ 14:47:47

On the NetTuts.com site today they have a new tutorial (screencast) posted showing what the changes are in the directory structure of Laravel 5.

The newest version of Laravel was released in February, and the most noticeable change in version 5 is the new directory structure. In this short video tutorial, I'll explain exactly what's changed and why.

The video is a part of a larger series and is one of two free videos for it. The remainder of the series covers things like middleware, contracts, events, forms and validation as well as the command bus and its use.

tagged: laravel5 screencast directory structure change tutorial series

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/how-the-directory-structure-has-changed-in-laravel-5--cms-23795

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