Recent posts from the PHP Quickfix site:
- Meet the bundle: ControllerExtraBundle (Symfony Blog)
#phpquickfix, #meetthebundle, #symfony, #controllerextrabundle
- OWASP Top 10 - Nomad PHP
#phpquickfix, #owasptop10, #nomadphp, #iliaalshanetsky
- Common Architectural Pitfalls in PHP Drupal Applications
#phpquickfix, #architecture, #pitfall, #drupal, #common
- Introducing API Platform (beta): the next generation PHP web framework - expert Symfony et e-commerce - Lille
#phpquickfix, #api, #platform, #beta, #framework, #rest
- Alejandro Celaya | Blog — Software development, agile methodologies and open source projects
#phpquickfix, #email, #zendframework2, #zf2, #acmailer, #tutorial
- Compartmentalization in the PHP community — PHP & Symfony
#phpquickfix, #compartmentalization, #community, #drama, #technical, #discusssion
- PHP: Supported Versions
#phpquickfix, #php5.5, #support, #inactive
- Reviews - Title: Solving The N 1 Problem In PHP
#phpquickfix, #nplusone, #problem, #bookreview, #paulmjones
- WordPress Categories Explained
#phpquickfix, #wordpress, #categories, #description
- Adam Patterson - Using WordPress with Lumen
#phpquickfix, #lumen, #wordpress, #frontend, #tutorial
- Simplify Your PHP Applications Testing Using LXC in Your Development Environment - PHP Classes blog - PHP Classes
#phpquickfix, #lxc, #tutorial, #virtualization, #containers
- High Availability WordPress with HyperDB
#phpquickfix, #wordpress, #hyperdb, #high, #availability
- Excluding Routes from the CSRF Middleware - Laravel News
#phpquickfix, #laravel5, #exclude, #route, #csrf, #token
- The case for maintainable code -
#phpquickfix, #maintainable, #code, #opinion, #technicaldebt
- paragonie/csp-builder
#phpquickfix, #csp, #contentsecuritypolicy, #library, #json, #builder, #websecquickfix
- Naming functions consistently | Anna Filina
#phpquickfix, #function, #naming, #consistency, #opinion