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Barry vd. Heuvel:
Comparing Blade and Twig templates in Laravel
Aug 26, 2015 @ 15:02:32

Anyone that has looked at using a templating library in their application has probably come across both Blade (in Laravel) and the Twig libraries. In a post to his site Barry vd. Heuvel compares these two templating libraries based on their features, security and (briefly) performance.

In my company, we use Twig instead of Blade for our Laravel projects. I know there are a lot of developers that also prefer Twig over Blade. So the question ‘Why choose Twig over Blade?’ often pops up. The reason is usually just a matter of preference, but in this post we’re going to compare the Blade and Twig templating engines side-by-side.

He starts with an "about" for each library, giving some basic background and examples of simple templates. He talks about using Twig in Laravel (vs Blade) and then lists some similarities and differences between the two. Following this high-level list he gets into more detail on each feature of the libraries including:

  • Outputting variables
  • Control structures
  • Template inheritance and sections
  • Security and context

Each section includes a description of the feature and a template example showing how it's put to use. He ends the post with his thoughts on which one you should pick for your project, but notes that, like many things in development, the answer is "it depends" on your project and team's needs.

tagged: compare blade template twig library feature overview example

Link: http://barryvdh.nl/laravel/twig/2015/08/22/comparing-blade-and-twig-templates-in-laravel/

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