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Voices of the ElePHPant:
Interview with David Hayes
Sep 15, 2015 @ 16:34:48

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast, hosted by PHP community member Cal Evans, has posted their latest episode interviewing a member of the PHP community. In this latest episode Cal talks with David Hayes

They talk about the presentation that David gave at the Lone Star PHP 2015 conference about the "big ball of mud" that code can become over time as more and more features and changes are made. They also cover David's passion for WordPress and where he sees it going.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 directly. If you enjoy the episode, be sure to subscribe to their feed or Twitter to get information about future episodes as they're released.

tagged: voicesoftheelephpant community interview davidhayes podcast

Link: https://voicesoftheelephpant.com/2015/09/15/interview-with-david-hayes/

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