Alfred Nutile has posted information about a series of Laravel-related training videos that aim to help you go from "Laravel 0 to Deploy" as they walk you through the creation and deployment of a simple blog based on the Laravel framework features.
The two of us come together in this raw footage of building a Blog in Laravel. You get both the insights of an experienced Laravel Software Writer (Alfred Nutile) and the questions of a WordPress developer new to Laravel, (Joe Bacal)
As of the time of this post there's four episodes in the series with more planned:
- Episode 1: Getting Started, Install, Scaffolding, Blog/Post Index, Create, Validation etc
- Episode 2: Pagination, Search and Authentication!
- Episode 3: Relations, Theme Work and CSS Fun
- Episode 4: Tagging, Image Uploads and Searching by Images
Other topics to come include working with Homestead, managing Gulp dependencies, creating a contact form and working with single page applications.