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Voices of the ElePHPant:
Interview with Adam Culp (2)
Dec 04, 2015 @ 18:55:13

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest in the interviews host Cal Evans does with members of the PHP community. In this latest episode Cal talks with Adam Culp, organizer of the Sunshine PHP Conference and the SoFloPHP meetup group.

Cal and Adam talk about the two user groups that Adam helped to found and organizes and how they were started. They also talk about the conference that Adam started up, Sunshine PHP, why he started it and how it's grown over the years. They also talk about the "themes" the different years have had and how he hopes people take what they learned back and contribute, both to their own work and open source.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 of the show to listen at your leisure. Be sure to subscribe to their feed and follow them on Twitter to get updates with the latest episodes are released.

tagged: voicesoftheelephpant community interview admculp podcast

Link: https://voicesoftheelephpant.com/2015/12/04/interview-with-adam-culp-pnwphp/

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