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Rob Allen:
Running Phan against Slim 3
Dec 10, 2015 @ 15:51:20

Rob Allen has a quick post sharing the results of a test run of the Phan static analysis tool on the current state of the Slim 3 framework codebase (with v3.0 just being released).

Having installed Phan, I decided to use it against the upcoming Slim 3 codebase.

Phan needs a list of files to scan, and the place I started was with Lorna's article on Generating a file list for Phan.

He walks through the steps for creating this list of files (removing developer dependencies) and the results from the Phan execution. While a good amount of the errors related more to dependencies and missing class/interface definitions, there were some typing errors found based on the difference between the docblock and how the code handled the variable.

tagged: phan static analysis tool slim3 framework results

Link: https://akrabat.com/running-phan-against-slim-3

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