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SitePoint PHP Blog:
How to Build an API-Only JWT-Powered Laravel App
Feb 18, 2016 @ 16:55:25

The SitePoint PHP blog has posted a tutorial from author Francesco Malatesta showing you how to build an API with Laravel that uses only JWT tokens for authorization handling.

In this article, we will learn how to use it to quickly create a fully functional API for an imaginary book wishlist application. As an aside, we will also see how to build a client application with AngularJS that will use our APIs.

They start the tutorial by having you clone a boilerplate project to get some of the basics out of the way first. From there they start in on the functionality: a basic wishlist where users can add books they like. They show the code needed to build out the User controller and matching routes. The tutorial shows the interaction with the functionality using requests from Postman to sign up a new user and get a matching JWT token back. The tutorial then does the same for the book handling, creating the controller, routes and functionality to show a book, store it for a user, remove it from the user's wishlist and delete the book completely.

tagged: api laravel tutorial application jwt token wishlist application

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-build-an-api-only-jwt-powered-laravel-app/

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