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Step by Step Guide to building your first Laravel Application
Mar 07, 2016 @ 15:25:04

On the DotDev.co site they've posted a tutorial showing you how to create your first Laravel application. In their case they show how to create a simple link collection tool to help illustrate the process.

The Laravel framework has experienced exponential growth since it’s initial release in 2011. In 2015 it became the most starred PHP framework on GitHub and has risen to be the go-to framework for people all over the world. [...] My goal with this is to create a guide for those just learning the framework. It is setup to take you from the very beginning of an idea into a real deployable application.

He starts by pointing out some prerequisites you'll need (like a local PHP environment and having PHPUnit installed). He then gets into the first step in any good application, planning, and some recommendations to think about. Once the planning is done, then the real code starts. He's broken it up into a few sections to help make it easier to follow:

  • The first steps (setting up the basic Laravel application)
  • Building a list of links
  • Submitting Links

In each step he also provides examples of tests that can be written and used to ensure your application is working as expected. Templates for the link output and the submission form are also included.

tagged: laravel application introduction beginner links tutorial first

Link: https://dotdev.co/tutorials/step-by-step-guide-to-building-your-first-laravel-application/

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