An announcement has been made on the Zend Framework blog today about a massive repository rename that will be happening May 3rd, 2016 to move away from the "zf2" naming.
In contrast to Zend Framework 2, which was a complete rewrite and break with the architecture of Zend Framework 1, the Zend Framework 3 initiative is more of an evolutionary change. [...] Another way of putting it: changes to the main repository are happening incrementally, and version 3 will just be a new major version update within the existing repository. However, such evolutionary change poses a slight logistical problem: the repository is currently named "zf2".
In order to make the change to Zend Framework 3 (and beyond) simpler, the repository will be renamed to "zendframework" instead. In the current configurations this namespace already exists and points to the correct locations so, ideally, no changes will need to be made on the Composer installations of current users - just updates to git remote
entries to point to the new locations.