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Upcoming changes in PHP 7.1
May 16, 2016 @ 16:45:32

In this article on Medium.com Amo Chohan covers some of the changes that are coming to the language in PHP 7.1.

Below are the key changes that will be introduced (or removed) in PHP 7.1. For a full list, and to see which changes are being discussed, check out the official PHP RFC.

Included in the list of updates/additions are things like:

  • Catching multiple exception types
  • Support class constant visibility
  • Void return types
  • Warn about invalid strings in arithmetic
  • Deprecate and remove mcrypt()

He then goes through some of the complete list and provides a brief overview of the change and some code samples where appropriate.

tagged: changes php71 features deprecation examples addition

Link: https://dotdev.co/upcoming-changes-in-php-7-1-76ebea53b820#.ynausa1pm

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