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Laravel News:
Laravel Spark v2 is now released
Sep 12, 2016 @ 15:52:22

On the Laravel News site there's an announcement posted about the latest release of Laravel Spark (v2). Spark is a commercial package from the creator(s) of Laravel that provides simpler billing for subscription-based services.

Laravel Spark, the commercial Laravel package that provides instant scaffolding for subscription billing, has just released v2.

The 2.0 release is a free upgrade for all license holders and it adds compatibility with Laravel 5.3 as well as deprecating the Spark installer in favor of using Composer directly.

This also adds dependency updates so it is compatible with both Echo and Passport that are new packages in Laravel 5.3.

There's an upgrade guide for those that are needing to bring their install up to the latest release. If you're more interested in what Spark has to offer, check out the main page for the product. A single-site license costs $99 USD and includes a wide range of features and technologies to make managing your subscription-based service simpler.

tagged: laravel spark release version feature upgrade

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2016/09/spark-v2/

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