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Exakat Blog:
6 good practices for "use" in PHP
Oct 14, 2016 @ 15:49:51

On the Exakat blog there's a new post sharing six good practices for "use" in PHP. The "use" keyword has a few different places it is used in PHP (like importing namespaced classes and passing in values to closures).

While reviewing code recently, I realized there are no guidelines for use. Every modern code do use ‘use’ (sic), as importing classes from composer or a framework is the norm. There are now quite a few variations in syntax for importing classes or traits. Although the impact on performance is low, as use is solved out, having a clean approach to ‘use’ is important to keep the code clean and readable. Let’s review what are the six good usage of use.

Each of the six tips they share come with a bit of explanation and code to back them up:

  • Do not import unused classes
  • Alway use alias
  • Place all use at first
  • Avoid using the same alias for different classes
  • Group use expression for easy reading
  • Limit the number of use expression

Some of them could be argued as to whether or not they're a "best practice" but it'd definitely interesting to see some tips for the use of this increasingly common little keyword.

tagged: bestpractice use statement keyword top6 import alias opinion

Link: https://www.exakat.io/6-good-practices-for-use/

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