The Laravel News site has a post about the official release of a new Laravel-related book, "Laravel Up and Running" from author and well-known Laravel-er Matt Stauffer.
Matt Stauffer who has been blogging about Laravel since the 5.0 release, the host of the Laravel Podcast, and partner and technical director at has been working on a new Laravel book, Laravel: Up & Running, published by O’Reilly.
The post lists out just some of the topics the book covers including:
- Tools for gathering, validating, normalizing, and filtering user-provided data
- PHPUnit, Mockery, and PHPSpec for testing your PHP code
- Interfaces for file system access, sessions, cookies, caches, and search
- Laravel’s specialty packages: Scout, Passport, Cashier, Echo, Elixir, Valet, and Socialite
You can order it now from O'Reilly as an ebook but the paperback will follow soon. The post also includes a mini-interview from Matt about the release of his book.