If you've ever been interested in using Varnish as a caching layer for your application but weren't sure where to start, you're in luck. In a post to his site Thijs Feryn has announced the release of his book covering Varnish and helping you get started integrating it into your infrastructure.
I’m proud to announce that my Varnish book is out now. It’s called “Getting Started With Varnish Cache” and it’s available for download through Varnish Software. For the next 30 days, Varnish Software has the exclusive rights to distribute the book. After that, O’Reilly will also be distributing physical copies and the digital version of the book, while Varnish Software will continue to distribute the book on their website.
Varnish Software is currently offering the book for free (well, "free" after you give your personal info). Thijs gets into a bit of detail around the book, the process he followed creating it and what kinds of things Varnish can help with. He points out that it was "one hell of a ride" writing the book and getting it published but notes that it was a "fun experience" and probably won't be the last book he writes.