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9 Things You Should Need to Know About PHP 7
Jan 27, 2017 @ 17:20:50

The Arpatech.com blog has a new post sharing their list of top nine things to know about PHP 7 with some brief explanations for each. It's not an in-depth coverage of the features in this latest major release of the language but it does give a nice overview for those not familiar with what really changed.

If you are a web developer or a website owner, and you love to use CMS that are PHP-enabled like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or PHP timetable, PHP 7 which was released on 3 December 2015, is now ready for the production use.

Yes you heard it right! PHP 7 is out to use. We are going to tell all the great things you need to know about PHP 7.

They've included several types of topics in their list, both code and performance related:

  • PHPNG, the New Core
  • Double the Speed
  • New Spaceship (<=>) and Null Coalescing (??) Operators
  • Enables Accurate Type Declarations
  • Imports from the Same Namespace

Each item on the list comes with a brief summary of what the improvement offers and, in the case of code-related items, a quick snippet showing it in action.

tagged: php7 top9 list major release features improvements summary

Link: http://www.arpatech.com/blog/9-best-things-you-should-know-about-php7/

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