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Fabien Potencier:
The Symfony Trademark
Mar 15, 2017 @ 14:49:58

In a post to his own site Fabien Potencier attempts to clear up any confusion around the use of the Symfony trademark and how SensioLabs manages that trademark.

This blog post has been written after some concerns expressed on Twitter and Reddit about how SensioLabs manages the Symfony trademark. If you want to read the details about the Grafikart issue, scroll to the end [of the post]; reading the whole post is recommended though if you want to understand the whole story.

Fabien starts at the very beginning, talking about how he selected the name for the framework and how it evolved over the years. It was a few years in when he decided to register the trademark officially and the legal battle that came with it. He also talks about the trademark policies they worked up and other projects that have a similar setup. He then gets into some more specific examples where there could be conflicts with these rules.

Enforcing the trademark is a painful process and it costs a lot of money. But I'm convinced that doing so is my responsibility. Would it be fair to say no to people who follow the rules by asking for permission and let other companies do whatever they want? Not in my book.

The rest of the post is dedicated to one particular issue (involving Grafikart) and the issues that came up because of mishandling on the legal side and the changes being made to prevent the confusion in the future.

tagged: symfony trademark sensiolabs framework grafikart

Link: http://fabien.potencier.org/the-symfony-trademark.html

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