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Laravel News:
Using the Google API with Socialite
Apr 11, 2017 @ 14:47:36

On the Laravel News site there's a new tutorial posted showing you how to use the Socialite package with the Google API to connect a user's account and get a list of their contacts.

When I start a project that requires users to log in using their Google accounts, I immediately turned to Laravel Socialite. Socialite is one of Laravel’s official packages, but it is clear it only handles user authentication, making its use not as dynamic as I had hoped it would be. While I needed users to log in, I also needed to get a list of their Google Contacts. In this post, I’ll show you how I was able to query a list of contacts from Google’s People API and keep using Socialite.

They start with a basic guide to creating an application on the Google API Console and what information you'll need (credentials) to allow your application to connect. Then, using the Google API Client for PHP and the functionality built into Socialite they create the approval flow and how to handle refresh tokens should your token expire.

tagged: tutorial laravel socialite contacts google api token

Link: https://laravel-news.com/google-api-socialite

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