Fabien Potencier has continued his series looking at Symfony 4 with a new post to his site today. This time he focuses on workflow automation and removing some of the daily application management tasks.
Symfony 4's most "innovative" feature is the way it drives the day-to-day application management. No more tedious copy/paste from README files. No more boilerplate code. Automation to the max. On a curated list of Composer packages.
He starts the post talking about Symfony Flex (the main engine behind Symfony 4) and how it can help with package management and installation/integration. He uses the sensiolabs/security-checker
package as an example, showing how Flex understands the package and knows to run the checks on future composer install
commands. He then digs into other areas Flex helps with:
- bundles
- configuration
- environment variables
- makefile tasks
- Composer scripts
...and a few others. Examples are provided for each of the sections in the composer.json
configuration and the post finishes with an example of the full configuration file, putting everything together.