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Cybersecurity State of the Union
Jun 13, 2017 @ 14:25:20

On the php[architect] site today they've posted an article from their latest issue, "Secure By Design" (June 2017) by Mark Niebergall - the "Cybersecurity State of the Union".

The cybersecurity landscape is continuously changing as new threats appear and attackers adapt. Data breaches, cyber attacks, identity theft, and scams show up regularly in the news and can have a significant negative impact to those affected by them. Keeping up with the latest cyber security trends, understanding the threats, and keeping applications secure takes an investment of time and effort.

In this article, we will review the current state of cybersecurity. Notable attacks will be highlighted, trends in attacks will be analyzed, strategies to secure projects will be identified, and PHP security-related features that can help increase application security will be covered.

You can read the article either there on the site or as a free PDF. If you enjoy the article, be sure to check out the other topics in this latest issue and pick up a copy of your own.

tagged: phparchitect magazine cybersecurity stateoftheunion markniebergall

Link: https://www.phparch.com/2017/06/cybersecurity-state-of-the-union/

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