The blog has a new post from author Brentd sharing some thoughts about what PHP could be if "that one feature" were added. For him it would be a true strong typing system that didn't require workarounds to make happen.
Have you ever wondered how your life as a PHP developer would be different if that one feature you want was added? I've made the thought experiment quite a few times already, and came to surprising conclusions.Let's take, for example, the debate about strong types in PHP. A lot of people, including myself, would like a better type system. Strong types in PHP would definitely have an impact on my daily work. Not just strong types, I also want generics, better variance and variable types. Improvements to PHP's type system in general would have quite the impact on my programming life.
So what's stopping us from reaching a solution?
He covers a few different topics in his discussion of the feature including issues around common vocabulary and the use of the feature (in this case type enforcement). He finishes the post talking about the impact a feature like this could have on PHP and some of the benefits that could come with a strongly typed version of the language.