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Learn Laravel Forge (Free Video Course)
Jul 04, 2018 @ 16:51:47

On the Laravel News site there's a post announcing a course from the Laracasts.com site (a video tutorial site targeted towards Laravel) covering the use of Laravel Forge, the community's server management and deployment platform.

Learn Laravel Forge is new video course on Laracasts teaching you all things Forge, by guest instructor Marcel Pociot! The course consists of over twenty free videos walking you through configuring servers with Laravel Forge.

Topics covered in the 20+ videos include:

  • creating a first Forge project
  • provisioning a load balancer
  • customizing PHP settings
  • configuring firewalls
  • using Forge recepies
  • setting up SSL
  • using the Forge API

Each of the videos runs anywhere from 3 minutes to about 9 minutes so they're definitely "bite sized" and easy to consume when you have a few extra minutes.

tagged: laracasts video tutorial series laravelforge course free

Link: https://laracasts.com/series/learn-laravel-forge

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