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PDO beta revisited
Nov 16, 2005 @ 12:10:03

In this new post on PHPEverywhere from John Lim today, there's a look at a PDO issue he's found involving a binding issue.

Today I downloaded the latest version of the PHP5.1 beta from snaps.php.net and tested PDO again for compatibility with ADOdb, the PHP database library i maintain. Then i compared the results with my last serious test in July 2005. In general, I find PDO remains in early beta state (functionality documented, but bits are not implemented).

One of my previous complaints was that binding did not work. I was worried that it was a coding problem on my part, but apparently that was not the case: the same code that failed in July works fine now, but there are still some glitches.

He gives the code that's causing him a problem, and mentions the error it throws as well as a few other problems that he's noticed along the way.

(Note: check out Wez's response to this posting as well...)

tagged: PDO beta bind error PDO beta bind error


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