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Greg Beaver's Blog:
PHP_Archive 0.7.0 is released
Dec 01, 2005 @ 13:15:18

In this new post on Greg Beaver's blog today, there's the announcement of the release of version 0.7.0 of his package, PHP_Archive.

As I blogged about earlier, PHP_Archive has been completely refactored both to reduce the size of the archive and to improve its efficiency tremendously.

This new release also opens up the possibility of making a .phar extension, something that would outperform PHP_Archive even more. Making it super-efficient will even allow running PHP apps right out of a .phar.

You can grab this latest release (0.7.0) from the package's PEAR page at http://pear.php.net/PHP_Archive...

tagged: archive pear package 0.7.0 php_archive archive pear package 0.7.0 php_archive


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