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Joshua Eichorn's Blog:
Looking for HTML_AJAX Success Stories
Dec 08, 2005 @ 16:27:51

Our sister site, AjaxDeveloper.org has a new post today with a request from Joshua Eichorn, the developer of the HTML_AJAX PEAR package for success stories.

If you’ve used HTML_AJAX to make something cool I’d like to hear from you.

If what you’ve created is publically accessible that would be even better.

Just leave a comment on this post saying what you’ve created and given a link to it if you can. Any suggestions on improvements that would make further development easier are also appreciated.

With the HTML_AJAX package being as well-developed as it is, I'm sure that there are more than a few out there using it - so get on over and submit your story today!

tagged: ajax PEAR HTML_AJAX package success stories ajax PEAR HTML_AJAX package success stories


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