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PhpDig excels at small Web site indexing
Dec 09, 2005 @ 13:12:06

In this new tutorial from Linux.com today, the author highlights the popular PHP-based version of a site indexing tool, phpDig, and how he got it all working.

Webmasters looking to provide search capabilities for their site would do well to try out PhpDig, a Web spider and search engine written in PHP with a MySQL backend. There are other open source search engines, all of which have their own advantages. PhpDig just happens to suit the needs of my Information Technology for Greenhouses and Horticulture site. Here's how I got it working.

The tutorial goes through what phpDig is and what it's useful for, how to make a simple local installation of the software, running your first spider, and, for those of us running on a non-lcoal host, how to install it remotely.

tagged: phpdig search engine tool phpdig search engine tool


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