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Embarking on PHP5 Objects
Jan 18, 2006 @ 12:40:42

From CodeSnipers.com today, there's a new post with their look at objects in PHP5 - how they work, how they're different from in PHP4, and some code to show their use.

After a brief few weeks studying Perl and its nuances I'm going to take a look at PHP5 Objects.

One of the annoying things with object in PHP 4 was you had to use a lot of references, you know, that funny & symbol. No longer needed in PHP 5 because you use "Object Handles" perhaps similar to a file handler you when fopen a file. Also available now are access modifiers "public/protected/package" and interface implementation. I can hear the beer mugs of java programmers being raised in celebration to this one. Also new to PHP 5 are real constructors and destroy methods. There are many more features, but lets see some code.

There are code examples that show some of the new keywords (private, public, etc) that the object structure uses, as well as how you can use them. They link to the PDF of Power PHP 5 Programming for a good place to start...

tagged: php5 object class public private implements extends php5 object class public private implements extends


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