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Vidyut Luther's Blog:
Where do you "define" your environment/global settings?
Jan 20, 2006 @ 12:44:36

From Vidyut Luther today, there's this new post that asks the question "Where do you 'define' your environment/global settings?"

I was wondering how people handled this situation themselves. I'm personally trying to decide whether my constants be in the class files, or a global configuration file. Right now I have a global.conf.php which contains things like (MySQL login info, include paths, table names).

So, my question is: Is it better to have one big configuration file, or should some things be defined on top of the individual classes ? (CONTACTS_TABLE.. is a clear example). I see pros and cons for both approaches.

He lists out pros and cons for the "one file approach" versus the "multiple specific definitions" method, for example:

  • simple editing vs. easier to manage
  • a single large file vs. multiple small files
  • high memory usage on every page vs. lower memory consumption from loading only what's needed
tagged: define global settings multiple file single large small define global settings multiple file single large small


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