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Utah PHP Users Group - February Meeting, 02.16.06 @ 7pm
Feb 16, 2006 @ 12:37:15

For the February 2006 meeting, they Utah PHP Users Group will be talking about Apache 404 handler scripts created in PHP.

Mac Newbold will present on PHP 404 handler scripts. Running PHP with Apache has some definite advantages. One that I use frequently is using a PHP script as the 404 document that apache uses when a page can't be found. You can use it for many things. PHP.net uses it to run a site search, to try and find the page you were looking for. You can use it to create "virtual" URLs, where one script handles requests for many different URLs and hands back dynamic content based on the page name. You can even combine it with things like GD to make dynamic images that are created on the fly for each URL.

The meeting is happening on the 16th at 7pm MST at the Linux Networx offices. You can RSVP and get a map to the location from their site...

tagged: utah users group apache 404 script 16th 7pm utah users group apache 404 script 16th 7pm


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