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Oracle Technology Network:
Building PHP Applications Using the ATK Framework
Feb 16, 2006 @ 21:54:43

On the Oracle Technology Network today, there's this new tutorial that covers the rapid creation of PHP applications with the help of the Achievo ATK PHP application framework.

In this article, you will learn the power of this combination by using the open source Achievo ATK PHP application framework to build a Web application on top of an existing Oracle database. Using the venerable scott schema as an example, you will see how to build a Web application with full CRUD (create, read, update, delete) support for managing employees and departments in just a few steps and in fewer than 100 lines of code.

The tutorial introduces the framework and leads you through how to get it all installed on your (Linux/Unix or Windows) system. From there, it's all code - creating the initial module, adding nodes to perform actions, and linking them together with relations in the data.

tagged: oracle technology network build application ATK framework oracle technology network build application ATK framework


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