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Matthew Weir O'Phinney's Blog:
PHP error reporting for Perl users
Mar 28, 2006 @ 12:52:40

When you're working with error reporting, every little bit helps. If you're a Perl user coming into a PHP world, then this new post from Matthew Weir O'Phinney might provide a valuable tip.

On perlmonks today, a user was needing to maintain a PHP app, and wanted to know what the PHP equivalent of "perl -wc script.pl" was -- specifically, they wanted to know how to run a PHP script from the commandline and have it display any warnings (ala perl's strict and warnings pragmas).

Unfortunately, there's not as simple a way to do this in PHP as in perl.

He suggets two ways to do it - one involving the display_errors setting and a change to the error_reporting level, and the other an automatically prepended file that does the same (just simpler to use). He also mentions a side note, a question the user had about running a PHP script on the command line.

tagged: perl error reporting display_errors error_reporting perl error reporting display_errors error_reporting


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