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Pierre-Alain Joye's Blog:
PEAR Template IT bugs fixes release
Apr 12, 2006 @ 12:37:38

Pierre-Alain Joye notes today that there were some issues with the PEAR HTML_Template_IT package he's a lead programmer for.

An annoying bug in the ITX callback system introduced a couple of months ago has been fixed. I would force me to write 100 more tests if I forgot again to run them before a release. But the bug seems to not have affected too much people (no related bug report) :-)

The other two are a PHP notice and a warning. For some reason fread decided to raise a warning when the content is zero, it will be fixed in PHP soon, but I still have to fix it in my code.

You can either check out the HTML_template_IT homepage for more or just grab it directly.

tagged: pear html_template_it package callback system notice warning pear html_template_it package callback system notice warning


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