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SitePoint PHP Blog:
PHP Frontend for Xdebug Profiling?
Apr 24, 2006 @ 12:34:09

On the SitePoint PHP Blog, Harry Fuecks has posted an interesting bit asking about a PHP frontend for Xdebug profiling, specifically for the 2.x version's output.

Xdebug 1.x had this nice xdebug_dump_function_profile() function which planted a HTML table containing the profiling stats in your output—nice an easy to use, ignoring the minor issue that doing this "in band" with the code you are profiling slants the results. With Xdebug 2.x it was dropped and you now need a tool like kcachegrind or wincachegrind, an output file generated by Xdebug acting as the middle man.

Several of the comments either ask why he would want to write it when the two tools he mentions work just fine or a few links to scripts out there that already do this sort of thing. If you've been looking for something like this, definitely check out this post - there's a few resources in there you don't want to miss.

tagged: frontend xdebug profiling kcachegrind wincachegrind script frontend xdebug profiling kcachegrind wincachegrind script


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