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David Coallier's Blog:
XDebug to finally get a Web Frontend
May 05, 2008 @ 14:33:28

In a new blog entry today, David Coallier has posted about two new offerings that are in the works for a web-based frontend to XDebug:

For quite a while in the PHP Community (And even myself) I have heard people asking about either an online tool to work on cachegrind output files or a cross platform tool that would have the ability to do what KCacheGrind does on Linux but for Windows and OSX.

He mentions the origin of the idea for a cachegrind app as a part of the Google Summer of Code (that did get accepted and will be worked on by Chung-Yang Lee). The other, Webgrind is an independent project from the other but looks equally as promising.

Check out Vinu Thomas' thoughts on the matter too.

tagged: xdebug web frontend kcachegrind wincachegrind webgrind


Zend Developer Zone:
Profiling PHP Applications With xdebug
Jan 01, 2008 @ 15:01:00

The Zend Developer Zone has posted the theird part of their series (by Stefan Priebsch) about working with XDebug in PHP to profile your applications.

In this week's issue, we will have a look at profiling. Profiling is a feature that seems to be similar to trace logging at first sight. Profiling logs, however, are not meant for human readability, and are not meant to visualize the program's control flow, but provide the data for a statistical analysis of the program run.

He includes an example of the profiling log his XDebug setup is generating and gives the settings you'll need to make a log of your own like php.ini settings to start it up and name it/place it where you want it.

He also talks about the method to get something useful out of the profiling logs - using WinCacheGrind or KCacheGrind to get an overview of what's going on "on the inside" of your application.

tagged: profile application tutorial xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind profile application tutorial xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind


Zend Developer Zone:
Profiling PHP Applications With xdebug
Jan 01, 2008 @ 15:01:00

The Zend Developer Zone has posted the theird part of their series (by Stefan Priebsch) about working with XDebug in PHP to profile your applications.

In this week's issue, we will have a look at profiling. Profiling is a feature that seems to be similar to trace logging at first sight. Profiling logs, however, are not meant for human readability, and are not meant to visualize the program's control flow, but provide the data for a statistical analysis of the program run.

He includes an example of the profiling log his XDebug setup is generating and gives the settings you'll need to make a log of your own like php.ini settings to start it up and name it/place it where you want it.

He also talks about the method to get something useful out of the profiling logs - using WinCacheGrind or KCacheGrind to get an overview of what's going on "on the inside" of your application.

tagged: profile application tutorial xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind profile application tutorial xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind


SitePoint PHP Blog:
Faster PHP Apps - Profile Your Code with Xdebug
Apr 23, 2007 @ 15:16:00

A new post to the SitePoint PHP Blog today (from Paul Annesley) looks briefly at how, with the help of XDebug, you can make your applications lighter and faster.

So we've got potentially slower code, and we can no longer just open up our simple PHP script and follow its execution from the top of the file to the bottom. How do we figure out exactly what's going on inside?

He doesn't go through the installation of XDebug, but he does give an example (complete with screenshots) of how to use it in conjunction with two other applications - WinCacheGrind for Windows users and KCachegrind - to work with the output XDebug produces.

tagged: faster optimize application xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind faster optimize application xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind


SitePoint PHP Blog:
Faster PHP Apps - Profile Your Code with Xdebug
Apr 23, 2007 @ 15:16:00

A new post to the SitePoint PHP Blog today (from Paul Annesley) looks briefly at how, with the help of XDebug, you can make your applications lighter and faster.

So we've got potentially slower code, and we can no longer just open up our simple PHP script and follow its execution from the top of the file to the bottom. How do we figure out exactly what's going on inside?

He doesn't go through the installation of XDebug, but he does give an example (complete with screenshots) of how to use it in conjunction with two other applications - WinCacheGrind for Windows users and KCachegrind - to work with the output XDebug produces.

tagged: faster optimize application xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind faster optimize application xdebug wincachegrind kcachegrind


SitePoint PHP Blog:
PHP Frontend for Xdebug Profiling?
Apr 24, 2006 @ 12:34:09

On the SitePoint PHP Blog, Harry Fuecks has posted an interesting bit asking about a PHP frontend for Xdebug profiling, specifically for the 2.x version's output.

Xdebug 1.x had this nice xdebug_dump_function_profile() function which planted a HTML table containing the profiling stats in your output—nice an easy to use, ignoring the minor issue that doing this "in band" with the code you are profiling slants the results. With Xdebug 2.x it was dropped and you now need a tool like kcachegrind or wincachegrind, an output file generated by Xdebug acting as the middle man.

Several of the comments either ask why he would want to write it when the two tools he mentions work just fine or a few links to scripts out there that already do this sort of thing. If you've been looking for something like this, definitely check out this post - there's a few resources in there you don't want to miss.

tagged: frontend xdebug profiling kcachegrind wincachegrind script frontend xdebug profiling kcachegrind wincachegrind script


SitePoint PHP Blog:
PHP Frontend for Xdebug Profiling?
Apr 24, 2006 @ 12:34:09

On the SitePoint PHP Blog, Harry Fuecks has posted an interesting bit asking about a PHP frontend for Xdebug profiling, specifically for the 2.x version's output.

Xdebug 1.x had this nice xdebug_dump_function_profile() function which planted a HTML table containing the profiling stats in your output—nice an easy to use, ignoring the minor issue that doing this "in band" with the code you are profiling slants the results. With Xdebug 2.x it was dropped and you now need a tool like kcachegrind or wincachegrind, an output file generated by Xdebug acting as the middle man.

Several of the comments either ask why he would want to write it when the two tools he mentions work just fine or a few links to scripts out there that already do this sort of thing. If you've been looking for something like this, definitely check out this post - there's a few resources in there you don't want to miss.

tagged: frontend xdebug profiling kcachegrind wincachegrind script frontend xdebug profiling kcachegrind wincachegrind script


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