The Zend Developer Zone has a new post today that "dips their toe" into the world of Rapid Application Development in the land of PHP.
As Andi Gutmans presented at his php|tek keynote, and reinforced by IBM in their showing of QEDWiki, there is indeed a place in PHP for the Rapid Application Development. As part of Andi's keynote, he spoke about component architectures and showed a quick demo of what that might look like in the future. He did so with a proof of concept called phpBlox. Now, don’t get too excited, it looks nice and worked for the demo, but we are still only at the beginning of the Road to RAD.
They talk about:
- component architectures,
- the rich design experience that a framework needs to have,
- the inclusion of being able to drop "back to the code",
- the proper seperatin of model and view
- and the ease of multiple-developer development
There's also a mention of IBM's QEDWiki and the proof of concept that Andi (and crew) presented at the php|tek conference during a keynote (check out this this screencast example for their presentation).