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Using Advanced Functions to Maintain the State of Applications with PHP Sessions
May 04, 2006 @ 13:00:56

DevShed continues their "Managing the State of Applications with PHP Sessions" with this new tutorial, part two looking at the more advanced features that PHP has to offer to developers working with sessions.

This is part two of the series "Maintaining the state of applications with PHP sessions." In three parts, this series ranges from the basics of session management in PHP, such as creating, registering session data, and destroying sessions, to exploring advanced concepts, like working with different session storage modules and creating custom session handling objects.

In this article I'll take a look at them, in order to demonstrate with several code samples how to use them and how to take advantage of their many capabilities. Hopefully, when you finish reading this article, you should have a decent understanding of how to include advanced session handling routines within your own PHP-driven applications.

They start with the introduction to the session_set_save_handler function, making it simple to adjust how your script deals with sessions. This sets the stage for the next step in the tutorial - the creation of a MySQL handling system to store the visitor's session data. They wrap it all up with the code for the MySQL functions you'll need to get it all working, including handlers for saving, updating, and removing the session data that's in place.

tagged: maintaining state advanced functions mysql storage tutorial maintaining state advanced functions mysql storage tutorial


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