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PHP Magazine:
SuSE - New PHP Packages Fix XSS and Information Leak
May 09, 2006 @ 11:30:34

The SuSE linux group has released new packages, according to this post on the PHP Magazine site, to deal with the XSS and information leak issues found recently in PHP4 and PHP5.

A new update fixes security issues in the scripting languages PHP4 and PHP5 including a vulnerability in copy() and tempnam() functions that could bypass open_basedir restrictions, a cross-site-scripting (XSS) bug in phpinfo(), a vulnerability in mb_send_mail() that lacked safe_mode checks, and a bug in html_entity_decode() that could expose memory content. Fixed packages are available from ftp.suse.com.

It is strongly suggested that you upgrade your installation to prevent any issues/problems from arrising.

tagged: suse linux packages fix xss information leak suse linux packages fix xss information leak


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