Cal Evans has posted the latest weekly roundup for everything happening in the world of the Zend Framework for this past week, including discussions on the suggested Proposal Summary and a Zend Component SourceForge repository.
Welcome to "This Week in the Zend Framework". Each week we stop for a moment and take a look at the developments in the framework. We examine the development process through the threads on the mailing list. We analyze the intricacies and nuances of the important posts. In short, we rehash the nuttiness that surrounds the development of a highly complex piece of code. So join us this week as we stroll along memory lane.
Other items mentioned this week include:
- talk of a Zend_InputFilter_DateFormat component
- the continued disussions on proposal Zend_Timestamp, Zend_Date and Zend_Time
- a large amount of discussion surrounding the rejection of the proposed Zend_Tree component
- updates to the Zend_Mail reading classes proposals
- and the suggestion that a Zend Framework forum be started to handle the number of "code issues" questions being posted to the mailing list
- and, of course, the announcement of the bug tracker for the Framework project
Be sure to check out not only the rest of this summary for more info, but also the mailing list archive to get things straight from the horse's mouth.