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Member Managment System Using PHP, AJAX and script.aculo.us (Part 1)
May 12, 2006 @ 10:55:48

In this post on SomeCoders.com, they start a series of tutorials centered around the creation of a member management system for your site with the help of PHP, Ajax, and script.aculo.us.

One of the most common request of people learning PHP is that they want to make a member system thing. That's what we're going to do, only cooler. I'm going to try and teach you some basic concepts of JavaScript and PHP so that you can take this code and make it a hundred times better by adding new features.

The tutorial isn't meant to be pretty, except for the JavaScript effects. I don't use much color, and it's standard yucky formatting. It's your job to make it look nice.

In part one of the article, they talk about setting up the database and the backend code as well as writing the email verification piece and allowing registered users to log in and log out of the system. They give you the code for every step of the way, and include explainations where needed. The code is mostly procedural, so don't worry if you haven't messed with object-oriented functionality in PHP.

tagged: member management system part1 ajax script.aculo.us member management system part1 ajax script.aculo.us


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