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Adding Methods to the Query Processor in PHP
May 24, 2006 @ 17:15:43

DevShed has posted the second part of their "Network Programming in PHP" series today - this time, they enhance the QueryProcessor class they've developed with even more functionality.

At this point I guess that all the networking PHP built-in functions that I covered in the first article, such as the "gethostbyaddr()", "gethostbyname()", "gethostbynamel()" functions are already familiar to you. So now I will explain what new things you'll learn in this second article of the series. Since I want to continue expanding the "QueryProcessor" class that I coded previously, this installment will focus on adding more methods to it, by using other useful PHP network functions, aimed particularly at running popular Windows networking applications, like "ipconfig," "netstat" and more.

If you didn't get a change to check out part one, it's definitely suggested that you do so before you start on this section. As mentioned, they're going to show you how to add other functionality to the class, including the ability to ping another server, check the current machine's network settings, perform a "netstat" command, and get the MX records for a hostname. At the end, they stick it all together in the complete (so far) class for easy cut and paste.

tagged: part2 network functions query processor part2 network functions query processor


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