Looking for more information on how to do PHP the right way? Check out PHP: The Right Way

May 30, 2006 @ 11:08:17

In This quick post from Paperbagcoder, he gives basic example of what a Model-View-Controller kind of architecture is all about along with some code as an example.

Model view controller architecture has been a staple of desktop application development for a hell of a long time. I dont know when exactly it became a buzz word in web development but I feel pretty safe saying it is the new hotness. And why not, with the increasing complexity of these newfangled web applications and websites in general the encapsulation and flexibility of mvc design makes darn good sense (buzzwords bolded for the executives out there). But what happens when a good design idea meets a really really evil language...

In his perspective, PHP isn't neccessarily evil - it just allows people to "be evil" and write bad code way too easily. He does note, though, that it is possible to write good PHP code without much effort, especially if you use a correct MVC mentatlity. His example selects car data from the database and makes a call to update the information before spitting it out to the template to be rendered.

tagged: model view controller mvc tutorial seperation model view controller mvc tutorial seperation


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