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Jorge Garifuna's Blog:
Build a Complete PHP Application in 3 Clicks
Jun 06, 2006 @ 22:10:02

Sometimes, just the idea of starting off a new project makes developers shy away from an idea. They think about everything they have to set up even before they get to the real work. Thankfully, there are solutions out there to help you get down to the real work real fast. For example, the ATK Code Generator, an application designed to simplify creation of an application to a few clicks. This new tutorial from Jorge Garifuna shows you how.

Developers can spend their time creating robust database schema and feed it to the ATK Code Generator to see instant web applications customized for the schema. Something that used to take months to create, has been cut to minutes and instant results.

He mentions specifically a three-step method to create an "application" around a database table. The user views the tables in the software, customizes the options for it, and clicks to have the ATK Code Generator build it out for them.

Also included in the post are links to the project's homepage, some documentation, and screenshots of the application at work.

tagged: complete application three clicks atk generator complete application three clicks atk generator


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