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Tomas Votruba:
9 Steps to Migrate From Jekyll to Statie
Jan 11, 2019 @ 17:22:58

In a new post to his site Tomas Votruba walks you through the process he followed for moving his site [away from the Jekyll static site generator over to Statie], PHP-based static site generator.

Jekyll is great to start for micro websites like gomonorepo.org and <a href="https://gophp71.org/>gophp71.org from Jekyll to Statie. Can new init command make this piece of cake? And what needs to be done next?

He goes through each step of the process (nine of them), providing code and configuration examples along the way:

  • Create Basic Statie Structure
  • Move Source files to /source Directory
  • Move Parameters Files Under parameters > [param name] Sections
  • Upgrade Absolute Links to Moved Files
  • Load Moved YAML Files in statie.yml
  • Remove site.data. and use Variables Directly
  • Setup Github Pages deploy in Travis
  • Clean Metadata from Headers

The final step in the process are the commands to run the project locally and ensure that everything it working as expected before deployment.

tagged: tutorial migration jekyll statie static generator

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2019/01/10/9-steps-to-migrate-from-jekyll-to-statie/#4-upgrade-absolute-links-to-moved-files

Quickly Build a PHP CRUD Interface With the PDO Advanced CRUD Generator Tool
Dec 18, 2018 @ 19:04:41

On the TutsPlus.com site they've posted a tutorial showing you how to use a CRUD generator tool to automatically generate some of the create, read, update, and delete functionality for your application.

In this article, we’re going to review PDO CRUD - a form builder and database management tool. PDO CRUD helps you build forms for your database tables with just a few lines of code, making it quick and easy to bootstrap a database application.

[...] Today, we’re going to discuss the PDO CRUD tool, available at Code Canyon for purchase at a very reasonable price. It’s a complete CRUD builder tool which allows you to build applications by just providing database tables and by writing a few lines of code.

It works with multiple database back-ends, including MySQL, Postgres and SQLite. In this article, we’ll see how to use PDO CRUD to build a CRUD system with the MySQL database back-end.

They then walk you through the installation and configuration of the tool, defining options about the host, username, and password for the database. It then helps you create two tables that will be used as sources: employee and department. Once these are defined, you can then use the web frontend to perform CRUD operations on these tables without having to write any custom code. It also lists out some of the additional features including searching, pagination and bulk export.

The post goes on to talk about how to make modifications to how the system works with the data in the tables (like field types), creating join views and customizing the options for other tool features.

tagged: crud interface tutorial pdo advanced generator

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quickly-build-a-php-crud---interface-with-the-pdo-advanced-crud-generator-tool--cms-32367

Contentful Blog:
An extremely picky developer's take on static site generators for PHP: Part 2 - Jig
Aug 03, 2018 @ 15:50:23

On the Contentful blog they've posted the second part of their series reviewing static site generators for PHP. In this new article they look at Jigsaw, a Laravel-based tool.

In the first article of the series we took a look at Sculpin, the PHP static site generator which is currently the most starred on Github. Today we’re exploring Jigsaw, a tool which promises to bring a Laravel-based approach to the world of PHP static site generators (SSGs).

The author starts by sharing some about his (somewhat limited) experience with Laravel. From there he dives right in, showing the creation of a new Jigsaw site including configuration and how to serve it up locally. It then gets into detail about the directory structure of the site, asset handling and adding new content. The post ends by answering the "is it ready" question for their own needs (at Contentful).

tagged: static site generator review series part2 jigsaw

Link: https://www.contentful.com/blog/2018/08/01/extremely-picky-developers-take-php-static-site-generators-part-2-jigsaw/

Sergey Zhuk:
Amp Promises: From Generators To Coroutines
Feb 15, 2018 @ 15:27:05

In a new post to his site Sergey Zhuk takes a look at generators in PHP and shows how they're integrated into coroutines and promises to help with the chunked asynchronous processing.

Generators become available in PHP since version 5.5.0. The main idea is to provide a simple way to create iterators but without creating a class that implements Iterator interface. A generator function looks like a normal function, except that instead of returning the result once, a generator can yield as many times as it needs to in order to provide the values to be iterated over.

[...] So, let’s wrap up what we know about generators:

  • interruptible/resumable functions
  • use yield rather than (or in addition to) return
  • values/exceptions can be send/thrown into
  • behave like iterator

All these generator features are used in <a href="https://amphp.org/>Amp to implement coroutines.

The post starts out with a pretty detailed look at generators in PHP and the functionality they offer. It covers sending values into the generator, exception handling and the use of the yield statement. It then moves over to describing coroutines, promises and deferred handling. Generators make it easier for them to chunk up the operation one piece at a time rather than requiring all data up front.

tagged: amp promise coroutine generator tutorial integration

Link: http://sergeyzhuk.me/2018/02/15/amp-coroutines/

Niklas Keller:
An Introduction to Generators in PHP
Sep 21, 2017 @ 17:57:15

In a post to his site Niklas Keller provides an introduction to generators in PHP. Generators provide more "just in time" functionality for looping (iterators) without the need to create a separate class to handle it.

Generators have been added to PHP in version 5.5, yet the have received rather low attention. The PHP 5.5 migration guide introduced them as way to implement simple iterators.

He shows the comparison of generators versus a foreach loop and discusses how the yield statement works and what benefits the generator gives over normal looping. He refactors the example to get a clearer picture into what's happening inside the generator, outputting a few strings when the next value is fetched. He then suggests that generators that are just used as iterators are "boring" and covers some more interesting features and uses (including handling of async operations).

tagged: generator tutorial introduction yield async looping interator

Link: http://blog.kelunik.com/2017/09/14/an-introduction-to-generators-in-php.html

Mattias Noback:
How to make Sculpin skip certain sources
Jun 21, 2017 @ 15:41:28

For those Sculpin users out there Matthias Noback has posted a tip showing how to make the tool skip certain sources so it's not included in the build. This is useful for removing files that may not be needed in the final result. In his case, he wanted to slim down his Docker image and only include exactly what was needed for the site it hosts.

Whenever I run the Sculpin generate command to generate a new version of the static website that is this blog, I notice there are a lot of useless files that get copied from the project's source/ directory to the project's output/ directory. All the files in the output/ directory will eventually get copied into a Docker image based on nginx (see also my blog series on Containerizing a static website with Docker). And since I'm on a hotel wifi now, I realized that now was the time to shave off any unnecessary weight from this Docker image.

After some searching around he found the best solution for his needs - a custom hook into Sculpin's own events system with a "before run" event. He includes the code he used to create a SkipSources event that uses pattern matches to exclude the requested sources. Then, using the fnmatch function he generated a listing of files to pass in to be skipped. After working up this solution, a bit more research also lead to another possible, more built-in way: the ignore configuration key that also uses pattern matching.

tagged: sculpin skip source ignore event static site generator tutorial

Link: https://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2017/06/how-to-make-sculpin-skip-certain-sources/

Matthias Noback:
Creating virtual pages with Sculpin
Dec 14, 2016 @ 15:28:58

Matthias Noback has continued his series looking at using Sculpin to create static pages for "in-project documentation" with this second post focusing more on the creation of "virtual pages". These pages allow the insertion of dynamic content into pages pulled from other sources (in this case, from the source of the project).

Previously we looked at how to use the static site generator Sculpin to generate in-project documentation. When Sculpin builds the HTML files and assets it looks at what files are in the source/ directory and processes them based on certain rules (e.g. "parse Markdown files", "format HTML files with Twig", etc.). The purpose for my "living documentation" project is to also dynamically generate documentation based on PHP and configuration files from the main project.

[...] The Sculpin documentation mentions several ways to generate dynamic content for a static site, as opposed to the standard way of adding static Markdown or HTML files. [...] So, I dug into the source code of Sculpin to find out what would be a reasonable extension point. It turned out that the best way to approach this was to create a custom data source (which is currently not documented).

He then walks you through the creation of a custom data source with "dataSourceId" and "refresh" methods the tool uses to pull in the dynamic data. He shows how to set up the script to be called at any time and have the same effect (Sculpin does this when the "server" is running) and defining the service in your Sculpin configuration.

tagged: sculpin static site generator virtual page dynamic content tutorial

Link: http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2016/12/creating-virtual-pages-with-sculpin/

Mattias Noback:
Project documentation with Sculpin
Dec 12, 2016 @ 15:43:43

Matthias Noback has a recent post to his site sharing some advice and examples of how to use Sculpin for your project's documentation to make it a quick and pretty painless process.

One of the key ideas is to generate documentation instead of writing it. This should help prevent duplication and outdated information that is not trust-worthy and would therefore be neglected. I'm currently looking for ways to technically accomplish such a thing with PHP projects. This should result in reusable tools which will make it easier and more fun to document future projects while writing the code.

[...] I wanted to use Sculpin to document another project, the main project. So I started figuring out how to run Sculpin and generate a static subsite (not a blog) based on files in a subdirectory of another project. It wasn't all that hard, but I'll share the steps here anyway.

He walks you through the creation of a new Sculpin-based site and how to test and ensure it's all working correctly with simple content, a layout and configuration. He finishes out the post mentioning the themes available for Scuplin applications and links to the Bootstrap 3 theme as an example.

tagged: project documentation sculpin static generator tutorial introduction

Link: http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2016/12/project-documentation-with-sculpin/

Understanding PHP Generators
Oct 28, 2016 @ 16:20:44

The Scotch.io blog has posted a tutorial that wants to introduce you to and help you understand a feature recently added to the PHP language: generators. In this new article author Samuel Oloruntoba walks you through some of the basics and offers advice on when to use this helpful feature.

When it comes to driving, speed is not everything. But on the web, speed makes all the difference. The faster your application, the better the user experience. Well, this article is on PHP Generators, so why are we talking about speed? As you are soon about to find out, generators make a huge difference on speed and memory management.

He starts off by explaining what generators are and gives a simple code example showing how they can replace a standard loop (without some of the memory overhead). He uses a for and foreach loop to show a memory overflow caused by it trying to reach the highest integer allowed in the config. To help solve this, he makes use of generators, a much more memory efficient method that only returns the latest value requested and doesn't keep the remainder in memory. He then answers the question of why you might need to even use generators, how to return keys and send values into the generator. He also offers a word of advice on using them - mostly to not overuse them as it's still possible to have issues (like the memory one above).

tagged: generator example introduction tutorial memory yield

Link: https://scotch.io/tutorials/understanding-php-generators

Mark Baker:
PHP Generators – Sending “Gotchas”
Oct 11, 2016 @ 16:54:52

In this post to his site Mark Baker has shared some "sending gotchas" when generators are used in you PHP code. The focus of the article is on the "sending" part, pushing data into the generator for evaluation and use.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of just how useful PHP’s Generators are for improving performance and/or reducing memory overheads while keeping your code clean and easy to read.

Unlike their equivalent in some programming languages, PHP’s Generators allow you to send data into the Generator itself; not simply at initialisation (the arguments that we pass to the Generator when instantiating it); but also between iterations. This has its own uses, and again, allows us to move code from our main blocks and methods into the Generator itself. [...] However, there are a few “gotchas” when we combine Generators that both return and accept data in this way, and it really helps to be aware of them when we’re developing, otherwise it can create problems.

He starts simple, showing a generator that uses integers passed in as the starting number and addition interval for each loop. He gets a bit more complex in his next example, having a method called inside the loop. While the first instance of this behaves as expected, the second (after minor modification) yields unexpected results. He walks you through what's happening to produce those results and one possibility on how to get it corrected.

tagged: generator gotcha issue unexpected results debugging workaround

Link: https://markbakeruk.net/2016/10/08/php-generators-sending-gotchas/

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