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Muhammad Zamroni:
Streaming CSV Using PHP
Feb 16, 2018 @ 15:19:47

On his Medium.com site Muhammad Zamroni has a quick tutorial posted showing how to create a system that will [stream CSV data] in a Laravel application (https://medium.com/@matriphe/streaming-csv-using-php-46c717e33d87) back to the waiting client.

In one of our application, there’s a need to get list of data from a service. This data is used to generate report by background process, resulting a XLSX file that can be downloaded or attached to email. This service (an API) is written in Laravel. The background process is also written in Laravel. Both service are hosted in different server.

We pull data from MySQL and simply send the response in JSON to be easily parsed. The problem we encountered was the amount of data.

The main issue was the memory that it required to pull in all of the data and work with it. Based on some suggestions from another article they decided to switch from JSON to CSV for output and use the chunk handling to process pieces of data at a time. He includes the code for the controller that shows the use of chunk and a manual file pointer to push the data into the response 1000 records at a time.

tagged: stream csv content response laravel chunk tutorial

Link: https://medium.com/@matriphe/streaming-csv-using-php-46c717e33d87

Delicious Brains Blog:
Full Page Caching With Personalized Dynamic Content
Jan 03, 2018 @ 17:19:13

On the Delicious Brains site there's a tutorial posted by Ashley showing you how to set up full page caching with personalized dynamic content instead of the usual package caching of static content every user should see. The post is focused on improving the performance of a WordPress-based site.

We’ve talked a lot about WordPress performance here at Delicious Brains and the importance of page caching. However, implementing a page cache on highly dynamic sites or sites which display personalized content isn’t always easy. Previously, we’ve covered Microcaching for dynamic content, but that still doesn’t help when personalized content is involved.

In this article we’re going to tackle that issue. We’re going to use Easy Digital Downloads and the Themedd theme to build a fictitious online store. This will present us with a few problem areas that mean we can’t perform page caching out-of-the-box.

The tutorial starts by outlining the issues that come up with traditional caching tools and dynamic content. It then gets into the changes required to make it work with the Simple Cache plugin. It shows the code involved in splitting the caching functionality by generic, static page caches and how to inject the dynamic content cache back into the page when a user-specific resource is requested.

tagged: full page caching dynamic content wordpress tutorial inject

Link: https://deliciousbrains.com/page-caching-personalized-dynamic-content/

Symfony Finland:
Attaching React.js to a template rendered on the server with Twig
Nov 13, 2017 @ 15:27:49

On the Symfony Finland blog there's a new tutorial posted sharing the results of their effort to get React.js to play nice with Twig, a popular PHP templating library, via a server-side generated template.

React.js is a JavaScript view library that allows developers to create interfaces is a structured way based on a hierarchical component structure. React can either create the DOM structure from scratch, or attach to an existing one rendered by the server to speed up the first load.

If you create Twig templates that match the React rendering, you can take advantage of this feature without a complicated rendering setup.

While there were other methods created to try to solve the problem (rendering the React.js template on the server side) they show a better way via React.js 16 and Twig templates. Code is included showing how to create a simple React application, and how to hook in Twig via a "hydrate" call to pull in the content. React.js has a bit of an issue by default but a little extra work on the Twig side fixes that (see the post for the solution on that one).

tagged: reactjs template render twig serverside inject content tutorial

Link: https://symfony.fi/entry/attaching-react-js-to-a-template-rendered-on-the-server-with-twig

Master Zend Framework:
How to Create a Zend Expressive Module
Jul 26, 2017 @ 16:14:52

On the Master Zend Framework site Matthew Setter has written up a tutorial showing you how to create a Zend Expressive module to help organize your application and keep related files all in one place.

I've been reflecting recently on the things that I commonly have to do when I begin building Zend Expressive applications. Of the list that I created, I found that one of the most common — and uninteresting — of them is setting up the rendering of static page content. [...] To solve this, I've usually manually created modules to handle the rendering of static page content. These module's usually had little more than a PageAction class that returned an HtmlResponse object, whose body was a rendered template file.

[...] If you're in a similar position to where I was and want to collate the logic into a reusable module, then follow along with me in this tutorial I'm going to step you through how to create a module which you can reuse across any Zend Expressive project.

He starts by briefly describing a "module" in the context of a Zend Expressive application and how they relate (or don't) to the modules in Zend Framework v2. He then starts in on the module creation, showing how to set up the environment, change the Composer configuration to autoload correctly and describes what the end result should look like. From there the tutorial starts on the code required for the classes covering the basics of the class, exception handling, configuration and the creation of a factory to make a module instance.

tagged: zendexpressive tutorial module static content zendframework

Link: http://www.masterzendframework.com/create-a-zend-expressive-module/

Using the Twitter API to Tweet Repetitive Content
May 03, 2017 @ 14:58:18

On the TutsPlus.com site they've continued their series covering the use of the Twitter API from PHP. In this latest tutorial author Jeff Reifman shows you how to use the API to tweet content repetitively at different intervals and with randomized content. The tutorial uses a Yii2 framework application as its base.

Welcome back to our coverage of the Twitter API. If you use Twitter, you may have come across a friend sharing tweets from the @infinite_scream bot (shown above). I know it's mostly a bot because it tweets at ten-minute intervals. But it varies the string length of its virtual screams to avoid being blocked by the Twitter's API's infamous undocumented restrictions. Tweet too frequently or repeat the same content and you'll find your bots hopelessly blocked.

Recently, an online friend asked me to help them write code for a bot that might repeat but provide some intelligent content variation. In today's tutorial, I'll write about how to do this with the Twitter API.

He starts off with the registration of a new Twitter application and the creation of the table to store the tweet variations. Next he uses the CRUD and model generators in Yii2 to build out the model and controller skeletons. He then creates the migrations/tables/models for the random hashtags and URLs the bot will include in its tweets. Finally, he shows the creation of the code to make the random tweets and how he made the choice of when to tweet. The post ends with the code to send off the tweet (the job) and an example of the results.

tagged: twitter api repetitive content tutorial series bot random

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/using-the-twitter-api-to-tweet-repetitive-content--cms-28096

Zend Framework Blog:
Caching middleware with Expressive
Apr 19, 2017 @ 17:12:32

On the Zend Framework blog Enrico Zimuel has posted a tutorial showing you how to use middleware caching in Zend Expressive to help increase the overall performance of your application.

Performance is one of the key feature for web application. Using a middleware architecture makes it very simple to implement a caching system in PHP.

The general idea is to store the response output of a URL in a file (or in memory, using memcached) and use it for subsequent requests. In this way we can bypass the execution of the previous middlewares starting from the second request.

Of course, this technique can only be applied for static contents, that does not require update for each HTTP request.

He shows how to implement the "cachable" middleware, starting with a version that caches the return content based on the URL requested. He then shows how to configure the caching system to specify settings like path, lifetime and the enabled/disabled state. This is stored as a PHP configuration where the autoloader can get to it and the class as a dependency on the middleware itself.

tagged: cache middleware output zendexpressive tutorial response content

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2017-04-19-caching-middleware.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Scrape Screens with zend-dom
Feb 28, 2017 @ 22:46:27

The Zend Framework blog has posted another tutorial focusing on the use of one of the components that makes up the framework. In this latest tutorial Matthew Weier O'Phinney focuses on the zend-dom component and how to use it for scraping content from remote sources.

Even in this day-and-age of readily available APIs and RSS/Atom feeds, many sites offer none of them. How do you get at the data in those cases? Through the ancient internet art of screen scraping.

The problem then becomes: how do you get at the data you need in a pile of HTML soup? You could use regular expressions or any of the various string functions in PHP. All of these are easily subject to error, though, and often require some convoluted code to get at the data of interest.

[...] zend-dom provides CSS selector capabilities for PHP, via the ZendDomQuery class. [...] While it does not implement the full spectrum of CSS selectors, it does provide enough to generally allow you to get at the information you need within a page.

He gives an example of it in use, showing how to grab a navigation list from the Zend Framework documentation site (a list of items in a <ul> tag). He also suggests some other uses of the tool including use in testing of your application, checking content in the page without having to hard-code specific strings.

tagged: zendframework zenddom scrape content html dom xml tutorial

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2017-02-28-zend-dom.html

The Ultimate Guide to Building a WordPress Plugin
Dec 23, 2016 @ 18:07:41

For those newer to the world of WordPress, you might only be casually familiar with WordPress plugins and their use. You might have only installed them and used them before but have you wondered what it would take to make your own? In this new tutorial from Toptal.com Ratko Solaja gives you a "ultimate guide" to getting started down the road of custom WordPress plugin development.

Plugins are a vital part of WordPress websites that need specific functionalities. While the official WordPress repository has more than 45,000 plugins from you to choose from, many of these plugins miss the mark.

Just because a plugin is in the repository doesn’t mean it won’t hinder its performance or compromise its security. So what can you do? Well, you can build your own.

He starts with the planning stages of his example plugin (a real-world project helps when learning new things) - one that allows users to save content for later reading. He outlines the goals of the settings screen, how saving will work, messages to the user and what the "saved" screen will do. He recommends starting with a boilerplate plugin and working from there. He then goes through each step of the development process:

  • Handle activation and deactivation
  • Create a plugin settings page
  • Create the plugin functionality
  • Make the plugin modular
  • Generate translation files

The end result is a complete plugin with both the required frontend and backend functionality to make the "save content" feature work. All code is provided and plenty of links to more information and other resources are sprinkled throughout the article.

tagged: toptal wordpress plugin guide tutorial content example

Link: https://www.toptal.com/wordpress/ultimate-guide-building-wordpress-plugin

Matthias Noback:
Creating virtual pages with Sculpin
Dec 14, 2016 @ 15:28:58

Matthias Noback has continued his series looking at using Sculpin to create static pages for "in-project documentation" with this second post focusing more on the creation of "virtual pages". These pages allow the insertion of dynamic content into pages pulled from other sources (in this case, from the source of the project).

Previously we looked at how to use the static site generator Sculpin to generate in-project documentation. When Sculpin builds the HTML files and assets it looks at what files are in the source/ directory and processes them based on certain rules (e.g. "parse Markdown files", "format HTML files with Twig", etc.). The purpose for my "living documentation" project is to also dynamically generate documentation based on PHP and configuration files from the main project.

[...] The Sculpin documentation mentions several ways to generate dynamic content for a static site, as opposed to the standard way of adding static Markdown or HTML files. [...] So, I dug into the source code of Sculpin to find out what would be a reasonable extension point. It turned out that the best way to approach this was to create a custom data source (which is currently not documented).

He then walks you through the creation of a custom data source with "dataSourceId" and "refresh" methods the tool uses to pull in the dynamic data. He shows how to set up the script to be called at any time and have the same effect (Sculpin does this when the "server" is running) and defining the service in your Sculpin configuration.

tagged: sculpin static site generator virtual page dynamic content tutorial

Link: http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2016/12/creating-virtual-pages-with-sculpin/

Alejandro Celaya:
Creating a content-based Error Handler for Zend Expressive
Jul 29, 2016 @ 14:26:38

In a post to his site Alejandro Celaya shares a method he worked up for creating a content-based error handler in Zend Expressive - a method of changing the error output based on the content it was passed and the Accept header provided.

In one of my tests of the REST API I saw that when an error occurs (404, 405 or 500), I was getting an HTML response, which is not easy to handle when the client is expecting JSON.

I started to dig on how to fix this problem and thought that using ErrorMiddleware (which is invoked in case of an error) should be the solution, but after some tests I saw that it is only invoked if a regular middleware invokes the next one by passing an error as the third argument or an uncaught exception is thrown. When a route is not matched (404) or it is matched with an incorrect HTTP method (405), the error middleware is not invoked.

After confirming (on Twitter) that this was the intended result he went about looking for another option. He looked into using "Final Handlers" that are called when nothing else matches in the middleware execution chain. They didn't provide one for JSON handling, however, so he had to create his own (code is included in the post) and explains a bit of how it's handling the data and HTTP response code. Unfortunately using this handler made the error output always return JSON so another piece was needed, the content-based detection handler that switches between types based on the Accept header.

tagged: content error handler zendexpressive tutorial json output

Link: http://blog.alejandrocelaya.com/2016/07/29/creating-a-content-based-error-handler-for-zend-expressive/

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