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Alejandro Celaya:
Demonstrating the interoperability and decoupling of Zend Expressive
Jul 16, 2018 @ 17:16:48

Alejandro Celaya has a new post on his site covering one thing he sees that makes the Zend Expressive framework (based on the full Zend Framework) one of the best to work with: it's interoperability with other libraries and tools.

I have written a lot of posts about Zend Framework in general and Zend Expressive in particular, but I have noticed that I have never talked about one of the things that, from my point of view, makes Expressive so game-changing, Interoperability.

He starts with a bit of background about frameworks in PHP and how developers most commonly selected them because of the features they bundled. Picking and choosing different parts of different frameworks wasn't an easy task until the PHP-FIG came around to try to consolidate and standardize interfaces. This made interoperability possible and provided the methods for Zend Expressive to implement for working with just about any library you'd like to plug in. He then gets into detail about Zend Expressive's interoperability functionality and which are based on PHP-FIG PSRs (recommended interfaces). He also covers some of the extendibility Zend Expressive brings to the table as well as providing a proof of concept to help illustrate this points.

tagged: zendexpressive interoperability extensibility tutorial decouple

Link: https://blog.alejandrocelaya.com/2018/07/14/demonstrating-the-interoperability-and-decoupling-of-zend-expressive/

Master Zend Framework:
What Are Delegator Factories and Why You Should Use Them
Jun 27, 2018 @ 17:17:24

On the Master Zend Framework site Matthew Setter has posted a tutorial introducing you to delegator factories and what they're useful for in Zend Framework-based applications.

Ever wanted to dynamically expand the functionality of an object which you retrieve from your dependency injection container, based on different needs, yet without creating messy, hard to maintain configurations? If so, then you're going to want to know about a powerful technique called Delegator Factories.

He starts with a brief definition of what the factories are and the basics of what they allow you to do (briefly stated, they decorate DI services from the container). He then gets into a practical example, showing the update of a script from v2 to v3 of Zend Expressive, to wrap route definitions in a delegator to handle the difference. Complete code is provided as well showing the initial version of the routing code and the application of the delegator.

tagged: delegator factory zendframework zendexpressive tutorial routing

Link: https://masterzendframework.com/what-are-delegator-factories/

Zend Framework Blog:
Zend Framework/Homestead Integration
May 18, 2018 @ 17:48:26

On the Zend Framework blog, project lead Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted a tutorial showing you how to set up a Homestead instance for Zend Framework thanks to a few helpful submissions from the ZF project.

Last year, we tagged: zendframework homestead integration tutorial laravel apigility zendexpressive

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-05-16-homestead.html

Zend Framework Blog:
PHP 7.2 Support!
May 09, 2018 @ 14:51:55

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has made a post on the Zend Framework blog about the release of PHP 7.2 support for Zend Expressive, now in version 3.

With Expressive 3 complete, we were able to turn our sights on another important initiative: PHP 7.2 support across all components and Apigilty modules.

The short story is: as of today, that initiative is complete! If you are using the Zend Framework MVC framework, Expressive, or Apigility, or any of the ZF components standalone, you should be able to perform a composer update to get versions that support PHP 7.2.

The full story is much longer.

He starts with a look at the path to get to PHP 7.2 support including the considerations for not breaking backwards compatibility as much as possible. He then moves on to the approach they took with changes to the Composer and Travis-CI configuration changes to make it easier to run the tests on multiple PHP versions (with multiple PHPUnit versions too). The post ends with a look ahead at four things coming soon including a PSR-7-based zend-mvc v4, work on the documentation and more tutorials/guides to help devs make the most of Zend Expressive.

tagged: zendexpressive zendframework php72 support path method framework

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-05-08-php-7.2-support.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Async Expressive? Try Swoole!
Mar 22, 2018 @ 14:28:22

On the Zend Framework blog there's a new tutorial posted that wants to help you use Expressive for asynchronous request handling with the help of the Swoole extension.

When we were finalizing features for Expressive 3, we had a number of users testing using asynchronous PHP web servers. As a result, we made a number of changes in the last few iterations to ensure that Expressive will work well under these paradigms.

Specifically, we made changes to how response prototypes are injected into services.

The article starts by talking about the issue with the previous response prototype handling, mostly that, in an async world, all responses would be sharing the same instance rather than rebuilding a new one for each request. It then explains their reasoning behind even worrying about async support in the framework's response handling noting that the major reason had to do with the performance gain. The post mentions the Swoole extension and shows how to install it via PECL but you'll need to check out the project's documentation to see how to create a server that makes use of it.

tagged: asynchronous swoole extension zendframework zendexpressive v3

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-03-21-expressive-swoole.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Expressive 3!
Mar 19, 2018 @ 17:14:54

The Zend Framework blog has posted their official announcement of the release of Expressive version 3, the latest major release for the Zend Framework-based microframework based around PSR-15 middleware.

Expressive 3 embraces modern PHP, and requires PHP 7.1 or higher. Strong type-hinting, including return type hints, make both our job and your job easier and more predictable. The ability to use all modern PHP features helps us deliver a solid base for your application.

Expressive 3 provides full support for the PSR-15 (Middleware and Request Handlers) standard. [...] Expressive 3 massively refactors its internals as well. [...] Expressive 3 provides more command line tooling and tooling improvements in order to make developing your application easier.

[...] Finally, we recognize that Expressive has changed massively between versions 1 and 3, while simultaneously keeping its primary API stable and unchanged. However, to help users find the information they need for the version they run, we have rolled out versioned documentation, with each version providing only information specific to its release cycle.

The post also lists out some of the new components including zend-expressive-session, zend-expressive-csrf and zend-expressive-hal. There's also links to more information about upgrading, community resources and a "thank you" section to several people that helped get the project to this version 3 release.

tagged: zendframework zendexpressive release v3 major features upgrade thanks

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-03-16-expressive-3.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Expressive 3.0.0RC2 released
Mar 08, 2018 @ 15:36:20

On the Zend Framework blog they've posted the announcement of the release of the latest Release Candidate for their Zend Expressive framework: Expressive 3.0.0 RC2.

This week, we've worked on backports from Expressive 3 to Expressive 2, and, in the process, identified a few issues with how the routing package handles implicit HEAD and OPTIONS requests. As a result, we've just released 3.0.0rc2.

The post starts by explaining the "implicit" nature of the OPTIONS and HEAD requests and how the framework essentially defines them without the developer having to. It then shows how to get started with this new version and how to update your v3.0.0rc1 application to this latest release. The post finishes up with a look ahead at the project's roadmap including documentation updates, deprecations and a target release date of March 15th, 2018.

tagged: zendframework zendexpressive releasecandidate release v3rc2

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-03-07-expressive-3-rc2.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Expressive 3.0.0RC1 is now ready!
Feb 28, 2018 @ 18:58:19

The Zend Framework blog has posted an announcement about the release of the latest Release Candidate for the next major step for their Expressive framework: Version 3.0.0RC1.

We've been working diligently the past three weeks to finalize API changes and new features for the Expressive 3.0 release, and are pleased to announce immediate availability of our first release candidate, 3.0.0rc1!

Why RC and not beta? [...] We feel at this point that we've identified and implemented all desired changes both in terms of API as well as features, and announced a feature freeze yesterday. This puts us in a status more analogous to release candidates than beta (where features could still be added).

The post then walks you through this new version and shows you how to get a new Expressive v3.0.0RC1 application set up or migrate an existing application to the new version. It then talks about some of the differences in the code and the ecosystem around the framrwork and finishes up with the roadmap and a look ahead.

tagged: expressive v3rc1 release zendframework zendexpressive tutorial

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-02-27-expressive-3-rc1.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Expressive 3 Alpha 3
Feb 09, 2018 @ 15:39:48

On the Zend Framework blog today project lead Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted an announcement about the latest (alpha) release of the Zend Expressive framework: Zend Expressive 3 Alpha 3.

Today, we pushed the final changes and fixes that culminated in the Expressive Installer and Skeleton 3.0.0alpha3 release!

The alpha releases have a ton of great features; keep reading to find out more!

The post then walks you through the installation process (slightly different since it's an alpha) and shows the creation of a sample middleware via the command line tooling. The tutorial then shows the creation of a request handler and how to configure it in the router. The post ends with a look ahead it what's next for the framework on its roadmap including several features that need completion before v3 of Zend Expressive can be called complete.

tagged: zendexpressive zendframework v3alpha3 tutorial install middleware handler

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2018-02-08-expressive-3-alpha3.html

Zend Framework Blog:
Expressive 3 Preview
Dec 18, 2017 @ 17:14:27

The Zend Framework blog has posted a preview of Expressive v3, the next major release of their lightweight framework based on its larger sibling, Zend Framework.

Last week, the PSR-15 working group voted to start its review phase. PSR-15 seeks to standardize server-side request handlers and middleware, and both Stratigility and Expressive have been implementing draft specifications since their version 2 releases. Entering the review phase is an important moment: it means that the working group feels the specification is stable and ready for adoption. If, after the review period is over, no major changes are required, the specification can be presented to the PHP-FIG core committed for a final acceptance vote, at which point it will be frozen and ready for mass adoption.

Our plan is to have Stratigility and Expressive follow the new specification in its final form. To that end, we have been executing on a plan to prepare all our projects that work with PSR-15 to adopt the latest round of changes.

That work is ready today!

The post starts by talking about what changes come along with the PSR-15 specification including changes in namespacing, interfaces being renamed and a package split. It then talks about what changes they've made based on the PSR-15 updates and how you can test your own project to ensure it will be compatible with the updates. This includes changes that will be required to upgrade as the PSR-15 changes are not backwards compatible.

tagged: zendframework zendexpressive version preview update psr15

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2017-12-14-expressive-3-dev.html

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