Matthew Weier O'Phinney has made a post on the Zend Framework blog about the release of PHP 7.2 support for Zend Expressive, now in version 3.
With Expressive 3 complete, we were able to turn our sights on another important initiative: PHP 7.2 support across all components and Apigilty modules.The short story is: as of today, that initiative is complete! If you are using the Zend Framework MVC framework, Expressive, or Apigility, or any of the ZF components standalone, you should be able to perform a composer update to get versions that support PHP 7.2.
The full story is much longer.
He starts with a look at the path to get to PHP 7.2 support including the considerations for not breaking backwards compatibility as much as possible. He then moves on to the approach they took with changes to the Composer and Travis-CI configuration changes to make it easier to run the tests on multiple PHP versions (with multiple PHPUnit versions too). The post ends with a look ahead at four things coming soon including a PSR-7-based zend-mvc v4, work on the documentation and more tutorials/guides to help devs make the most of Zend Expressive.