On the Zend Framework blog they've posted the announcement of the release of the latest Release Candidate for their Zend Expressive framework: Expressive 3.0.0 RC2.
This week, we've worked on backports from Expressive 3 to Expressive 2, and, in the process, identified a few issues with how the routing package handles implicit HEAD and OPTIONS requests. As a result, we've just released 3.0.0rc2.
The post starts by explaining the "implicit" nature of the OPTIONS and HEAD requests and how the framework essentially defines them without the developer having to. It then shows how to get started with this new version and how to update your v3.0.0rc1 application to this latest release. The post finishes up with a look ahead at the project's roadmap including documentation updates, deprecations and a target release date of March 15th, 2018.