From today, there's a new post with some opinions on the real differences between PHP4 and PHP5, including suggetions to just make the jump to the latest version.
I am repeated aggravated by so called “reputable” people in the PHP industry marginalizing and downplaying PHP5 in favor of the ever aging and antiquated PHP4.
And, I'm not talking about small applications. I'm talking about a complete online fantasy sports systems. Content and product management, e-commerce, integration systems and many custom modules for very large companies in the construction and industrial manufacturing industries. Company names that your kids probably know, but names that probably shouldn’t be mentioned in my little rant here out of respect.
He makes the case that not only is it a pretty simple matter to make the move (usually) plus the fact that several large companies using PHP have already made the leap as well. I also like this great little "soundbite" quote he shares:
PHP5 is here already, and many of its' versions are completely stable for the vast majority of people. And, soon PHP6 will be here whether other people like it or not. So, why not get ready?