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Implementing the commit() and rollback() Methods with mysqli and PHP 5
Jul 08, 2006 @ 14:53:46

Continuing on with their "mysqli in PHP5" series, DevShed has posted part two highlighting the commit and rollback functions - their use and functionality.

This is the second part of the series "Using mysqli with PHP 5." Welcome back. In three tutorials, this series shows how to use the most important methods and properties included in the "mysqli" extension that comes with PHP 5, in order to take advantage of the new features bundled with MySQL 4.1 and above.

In part one they introduced the extension, providing the background for those just joining in. In this latest part, they take it to the next level and talk about these new handy functions - one to save the updates/additions you're making to the database and the other to undo those changes quickly and easily. As always, there's plenty of examples, explainations, and code to go around.

tagged: mysql commit rollback mysqli php5 tutorial mysql commit rollback mysqli php5 tutorial


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