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Inside Open Source:
Two New Articles (Date/Time & Services_Google)
Jul 11, 2006 @ 14:07:23

Via Codewalkers.com today, we learn about two new articles from the APress "Inside Open Source" site - one dealing with interfacing the Google API with the PEAR SOAP extension and the other dealing with the date/time functionality of PHP. Both are excerpts from two of APress' books.

The first article, Using the Google API from PEAR, demonstrates how to install the Services_Google PEAR package and use it in your code. They give three examples of its flexibility with three different kinds of requests to the API - a spelling check, grabbing the URL for Google's cached page of a site, and of course, searching through Google's resource to locate matching websites.

Article number two, Displaying Times and Dates in Other Languages with PHP, looks generally at the functionality of PHP to work with and display dates and times in multiple formats. There's a few code examples and a long list of the arguments you can pass in to format the output string just how you'd like it.

tagged: apress tutorial two article date time soap api services_google pear apress tutorial two article date time soap api services_google pear


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